Instructions for skiers and visitors to the ski resort

Pezinská Baba Zochova cottage

Instructions for skiers and visitors to the ski resort

  1. skier (snowboarder) when buying responsible for the correct selection of the ticket according to valid price list.
  2. When buying a ticket in the name of the buyer is obliged without prompting proof of identity of persons, for which tickets for. When you purchase the buyer must immediately check the correctness of the issued ticket, late claims will not be accepted.
  3. Lift tickets are only refundable contactless smart cards. Backup tab is 2,- EUR. After completion of skiing you can return the card to the cashier 10 min after operation ticket.
  4. For the validity of tickets purchased outside the official cash center operator does not match.
  5. The time ticket is non-transferable - ticket only be used by one person.
  6. On the day and evening skiing only lists all of the current pricelist. Tickets purchased in resort Pezinská Baba also apply Zochova cottage-Sand.
  7. Shared season tickets purchased at Zochova cottage-Sand also apply in the resort Pezinská Baba.
  8. Skier is required before starting the lift pass through contactless turnstiles SKI DATA 370 , which are equipped with lifts in the resort.
  9. Skier is required to attach a ticket to the reading panel, and when the green light goes out (in children, junior and senior tickets the red light) pass without stopping for turnstile.
  10. If the impossible passage through the turnstile (is lit or flashing red light) reported operating lift.
  11. Skier shall, upon demand to produce a valid ticket operator to lift and beneficiaries, when getting, but also getting off the lift. For tickets to the name it shall on request of the operator is also able to show valid proof of identity with photo.
  12. Driving will not be returned - under unfavorable weather conditions, interruption of operation, blocked slopes, in the event of failure of the lift caused by inappropriate behavior of skiers on the lift, blackouts.
  13. Earlier departure no refund is granted, There can be no extension of the ticket.
  14. For compensation for accident is required to submit medical receipt! Compensation applies only to multi-day tickets.
  15. Forgery of tickets is punishable - the operator is obliged to immediately take such a ticket and report to the Head of the Center for further investigation.
  16. Skier is obliged to follow the instructions of the lift personnel and comply with all other mandatory action and prohibition signs. When inappropriate behavior and disobeying instructions of the operator is authorized to lift remove or block the card without compensation.
  17. traverse (slalomovanie) and buckling of the track, catching the drivers on the track lift, swinging the damage to the carrier and the drivers or components of the tow could be fatal.
  18. Group tickets are bought and paid for by one person (group leader). Entitled to a discount arises after the presentation of an inventory of all participants (less, surname, date of birth) supplemented by organization name and signature of the head.
  19. By purchasing a ski pass the buyer is obliged to respect and adhere to valid tariff and transport conditions and also agrees to these terms.


  1. Skiing is at your own risk. Outside the operating hours slopes are closed.
  2. Visitor ski resort is obliged to move only on marked ski trails and places for this purpose, while respecting all instructions of the operator on his land. Entry to the area and the obstacles Snowpark is only allowed with a valid ticket and apply it in special safety rules.
  3. Operator is not responsible for accidents resulting from not being upgraded drive (walking, Runtime) his abilities and condition of ski trails (ground). In the event of an accident outside the marked slopes lose entitlement to free treatment of transportation to treatment.
  4. Ski resort is not liable for damage to clothing and ski equipment.
  5. Sledging and walking on foot along the slopes is forbidden - in the case of repeated failure to comply with instructions of the operator can lift and remove authorized person sled, beans or other object slipping, and to issue a ticket after operation.
  6. On ski lifts it is not possible to transport sledge and bobsleigh.
  7. Every visitor of the ski resort is in accordance with the law No.. 544/2002 and change 274/2015 the Mountain Rescue Service (§ 8, § 11) obliged to follow all signs and instructions of the operator.

Thank you for understanding.

Ski Club BABA - Pezinok


Visiting rules Pezinská Baba and Zochová cottage - Sand.

  1. Visiting rules are binding for all visitors and employees of the. Visiting rules shall enter into force on the date of its issue.
  2. Visitors are required to comply with warning, command, prohibition and information boards, or other warning, not destroy the, damage or remove.
  3. Visitors are required to leave the slopes to the closing hours of lifts.
  4. any wishes, issues, warnings and complaints can be filed in writing to the Complaints Book, which is located at the main ticket office centers during the opening hours.
  5. Operator is not responsible for any personal items lost on the ski slopes or in all areas operated by.
  6. By paying the ticket price grants the visitor of Baba Ski Club based Holubyho 18, 902 01 Pezinok, ICO: 34006397, Registered in the Trade Register ObÚ Pezinok Pat.:107-9320 from day 31.12.1993, (the "LK Baba"), in accordance with § 12 Act No.. 40/1964 zb. Civil Code, as amended agreement with the free of charge by the execution of image frames, video and audio recordings relating to his person or personal characteristics making and prepared in connection with any events organized LK Baba or its designated persons in Pezinská Baba and Zochová cottage (the "Logs") and their use for commercial purposes in all communication media, regardless of their character and determination by all conventional methods followed by their treatment and their possible connections with other parts or inclusion in the collected works (especially, but not limited to exposure, spread, access to, disclosure or modification). Client gives LK Baba this agreement without substantive, time, quantitative and territorial restrictions. This agreement also applies to third parties, which LK Baba records in accordance with their determination provides. Visitor is entitled granted approval revoked at any time by written appeal sent to the address of LK Baba.

RMA, complaints and suggestions.

  1. Malfunctioning or inability passing through turnstiles dealt service lift.
  2. The invalidity or malfunctioning ticket votes Service lift. Further validate addresses at checkout Center, or at the head of the Center or its representative. If the claim is entitled to issue the new ticket cash register in the amount corresponding to the value claimed the ticket at the time of disablement.
  3. Dissatisfaction with the adjustment slopes, readiness lifts and slopes, service lifts, parking service report in hand at the center or center manager or his representative. Possibility to make an entry into the Complaints Book.
  4. Dissatisfaction with service report by the Head of Center (representative) or at the box office and entered in the Complaints Book.
  5. Dissatisfaction with other visitors, it is possible to report at the box office or vote at the head of center (representative). When more serious conflict directly call the city police 159 but state police 158.
  6. More serious suggestions and complaints with personal information (less, surname, residence, tel. email) You can be sent by mail or email to The solution to legitimate complaints will be dealt with VV LK Baba and then Control and Revision Commission LK Baba.

Visiting rules for the winter ski season Ski Club operator publishes Baba, Holubyho 18, 902 01 Pezinok, ICO: 34006397, Registered in the Trade Register ObÚ Pezinok Pat.:107-9320 from day 31.12.1993 and shall enter into force on 1.11.2013.