Terms & conditions

Pass the order is for one person for the winter season 2023/2024.

Ticket price is always guaranteed until the end of the month, then the ticket price increased.

One order can contain any number of season tickets. Payment is made on the basis of orders for the account below, no later than 3 working days from the date of purchase. After receipt of payment to our account will be adjusted status of the order to pay. When paying, use a variable as a symbol order number.

Bank account:

SLSP: SK46 0900 0000 0000 1919 0625
Trbnk: SK82 1100 0000 0026 2640 0419
Constant symbol: 0308
Variabilny symbol: Order Number
Each non-transferable season ticket name is no guarantee snow of the season. It pays for day and night skiing of the season 2023/2024. In case of bad snow conditions it is possible to request a refund.

Terms & conditions

(Section 273 of the Commercial Code. Act.)
I. General provisions and definitions
1. These General Terms and Conditions (the "Terms") refer to the business relationship between the buyer and the company:

Ski Club Baba – Pezinok
ICO: 34006397, TECH ICAL DPH:SK2020363455; Registration: Trade Register ObÚ Pezinok Pat.:107-9320 from day 31.12.1993.

which is the operator of ski resorts Pezinská Baba Zochova cottage-Sand (hereinafter referred to as "operator") concluded by means of electronic ordering system (the "trade").

Contact operator:

Ski Club Baba – Pezinok

Holubyho 18, 902 01 Pezinok

Address for correspondence: POWDER. Box 16, 902 04 Pezinok

ICO: 34006397

TECH ICAL pre DPH: SK 2020363455

2. The buyer shall mean an entrepreneur as defined in § 2 commercial Code, person entered in the Commercial Register, person, doing business under the trade license, person, which operates on the basis of other than trade license pursuant to special regulations, individual, which carries out agricultural production and is registered pursuant to a special regulation.

3. Electronic orders are transmitted electronically means Form, containing information on the buyer, List of goods ordered from the menu and store price of these goods, processed trade system or e-mail sent to the seller.

The contract is concluded via electronic means, rights obligations laid down in Act No. 22/2004 Z.z. electronic commerce and on amendments to certain other laws.

4. Conditions further define and specify the rights and obligations of a buyer and in its current version are an integral part of the purchase contract under the Commercial Law.

5. Products - Products and Services, which are in addition to the company Ski Club Baba – Pezinok for purchase through the trading system to www.lkbaba.sk.

6. Goods made to the specific requirements of the buyer - a product that was specially ordered from the supplier of the operator for a specific buyer based on the specifications of the buyer and for which the operator has requested financial advances.

7. Services - providing consultancy, expert, support.

8. Working time - time is on weekdays from 8:00 do 16:30 throw.

II. Order, closing of the contract, withdrawal
1. The condition of the electronic order form is true and complete fill out and send all the data and details in the registration form, which is located on the web site operator. As valid is regarded as telephone order, which will be in writing or by means of electronic equipment confirmed at the latest 24 throw. The operator of the requests in the order, in which they come.

2. All received electronic and telephone orders ('the order), They are considered for a contract and are considered binding.

3. The acceptance of an offer by the operator will dial electronic order confirmation, resulting in a záväzkovoprávny relationship between the operator and the buyer.

The said terms and conditions implemented by the contract concluded at a distance within the meaning of § 9 paragraph. 1 Act No.. 108/2000 Z.z. on consumer protection in doorstep and distance selling.

4. The operator may, where orders of goods made to the specific requirements of the buyer, require a deposit from the buyer in the agreed amount. Buyer prepayments granted irrevocable consent of the operator to supply and therefore the buyer can cancel the contract awarded. Buyer agrees to pay the operator a contractual penalty in the amount of advances paid for unjustified non-acceptance of goods made to the specific requirements of the buyer. Payment of the contractual penalty, the buyer does not relieve the obligation to pay the purchase price in full.

5. The buyer has the right to cancel the order without charge, and only at the date of the order and in case, that the products have not yet been invoiced operators. Orders can be canceled by means of an electronic ordering system, by telephone or in writing (by fax, e-mail or post). Canceling an order confirmation to the buyer notifies the operator in writing (by fax, e-mail or post).

6. The operator of these conditions agreed contractual penalty of 10% the order quantity plus a flat fee 20,- Eur without VAT, if the order cancellation occurs later than 24 hours after receipt of order.

7. The buyer can cancel the contract, APPLICATION:

  • the service, when the service began to meet with the consent of the buyer before the deadline for withdrawal in accordance with point 6 Article II. these General Terms and Conditions,
  • sale of goods or provision of services, whose price depends on fluctuations in the financial market, the operator's control,
  • sale of goods made to the specific requirements of the buyer or goods intended specifically for one buyer, or goods, which considering its features can not be returned
  • sale of audio or video recordings or computer software, the consumer unwrapped.

8. Withdrawal must be made by written notification of withdrawal along with delivery of all provided documents and goods, which was delivered under contract, which affects resignation. The written form of withdrawal is required due, the avoidance of doubt, whether the withdrawal, the complaint or other requirement of the buyer.

III. Terms of Delivery
1. The place of performance of the contract means the head office (residence), or place of business of the buyer specified in the registration form trade. The goods will be supplied by the operator using the services of third parties (Courier service), or delivers the goods by its own means, or by agreement with the buyer of the goods will be prepared at a pre-agreed supplying, unless expressly agreed otherwise.

2. Delivery of goods is done by handing it over to the buyer or handing over the goods for carriage to the first carrier.

3. Title to the goods passes to the buyer the goods are delivered under a condition precedent to payment of the purchase amount in full. By the time the transfer of ownership of the operator to the buyer, which has products and services held by the buyer all the obligations of the Custodian matter and is obliged products and services at their own expense safely kept and label them so, that they are at all times identifiable as merchandise controller.

4. The operator delivers or hands over the goods to the buyer until the start of operations in the respective lifts winter, or as possible as quickly as possible after receipt of order, delivery time will be specified in agreement with the buyer. Buyer acknowledges, that fulfilling the obligations of the operator have placed indicative delivery dates. Buyer agrees to extend the delivery period in case, if so ordered production of goods or other circumstances require.

5. Product is in traffic safely boxed and sealed. When receiving the goods the buyer is obliged to check the physical integrity and completeness of shipment and these confirm the waybill. If the shipment is visibly damaged or destroyed, the buyer shall, without the lot immediately contact the operator. Any subsequent complaints to the quantity and physical breach of the goods will not be accepted. Transport costs are not included in the price of goods.
Delivery costs are charged according to the method of collection:

a) in person at the ticket office of the ski resort Pezinská Baba - traffic is charged
b) courier service - transport 6,- Eur
c) courier, cash on delivery 6,- Eur + 1% the amount of goods

Orders are realized immediately if the goods are in stock. In case, that the goods did not distribute due to lack of stock, distributed immediately after delivery to the warehouse.

6. The operator is entitled to demand fulfillment of commitments, mainly paid for goods, regardless of, the possession of the goods and services still did not pass to the buyer. Risk of damage to the products shall pass to the buyer upon delivery by the buyer or his authorized representative.

IV. Purchase price, payments
1. The prices listed on our online ordering system are valid only for purchase through this system at www.lkbaba.sk. The prize is not consulting, transportation and any other costs, unless stated in the description of the product. The price of goods is determined by the current price list. The operator undertakes to deliver the goods to the buyer at the price applicable at the time of ordering.

2. The buyer makes payments in Euros, unless otherwise provided by mutual agreement any of the following ways:

a) Prior to accepting the goods

  • to list payments
    The operator will book the goods to the buyer up 3 calendar days from the date of receipt of the order. If no payment to 3 days, the operator has the right to, after previous warnings buyer, withdraw from the contract. In case, the operator accepts Bank confirmed payment order, Buyer is responsible for, that the command was issued with a maturity date immediately and your account has sufficient funds for the immediate realization of payments.

b) On receipt of goods

  • delivery methods

V. Guarantee, complaint, responsibility for errors - claim the goods supplied
1. Relations between the operator and the buyer at a Defect goods shall be governed by the Commercial Code § 422 when 442. Time claims specified in §436 point 2 and in § 437 that 1-5.

2. The warranty period for all persons, A using a product for the purpose of business or trade in the product is determined by the operator for one year from the time of delivery unless agreed otherwise. (the supply of goods dispatch - delivery to the first carrier, begins warranty period from the date the goods reach the goods to its destination).

3. In the event of receiving damaged goods, the buyer has the right to request a refund or make a new order.

4. Claims may be made at company headquarters, or at the tills ski resorts during the operation of lifts.

5. Advertising is possible only goods purchased and paid for by the seller (operator). Tickets for the lifts can complain at checkout ski resorts Pezinská Baba Zochova cottage. The application claims other than goods lift ticket for the buyer is obliged to complete the complaint form on the website www.lkbaba.sk then deliver the claimed goods clean, mechanically undamaged in original packaging including manuals and warranty card or invoice seller. The claim procedure commences upon delivery form for complaints and claimed goods seller.

The warranty for quality, the buyer follow the instructions provided in the warranty, or contact the vendor for clarification of the claim. Authorized warranty claim is free. When unjustified, the buyer is liable for the costs incurred by the solution of the complaint. Operator reserves the right to extend the period for settlement of the claim for goods, which should be sent for repair to the manufacturer the period necessary for the repair.

6. During the warranty period ensures operator Remedy. Operator reserves the right to substitute an identical product beyond repair product, new, or product, the technical parameters of full compensation beyond repair product.

7. If the exchange is not extended warranty, but continues the original. The guarantee is extended only time, during which the goods on complaint.

8. If the buyer requests the damaged product claim, This is not a warranty claim, but "conditional claim" and the time depends on the supplier of equipment. In case, the manufacturer will not recognize the claim as a legitimate warranty repair, It all costs related to claims billed to the purchaser and the goods will be returned to the buyer until payment of the said costs.

9. Authorization for warranty due to, that the error occurred mechanical damage, operation in unsuitable conditions, or if it has been transferred in the product other than an authorized person. This warranty does not exempt defects caused by natural disasters and mishandling.

10. It is not possible to reclaim unused ticket for the lift when the winter season lasted longer than 15 days. In the case of a shorter season, it is possible to negotiate a lower price ticket for next season based on actual utilization complaint lift tickets.

WE. Privacy protection
1. The operator undertakes, that data, that his buyer shall exclusively serve the needs of the seller related to the fulfillment of the obligations arising from the purchase contract. These figures are not to be disclosed to third parties or otherwise used commercially.

2. When registering the buyer to choose sending information about new products or other marketing information from the operator.

3. The operator is committed to, that the desire of the buyer and without giving reasons, whenever their personal data deleted from its database.

VII. Final and transitional provisions
1. These terms and conditions apply as stated on the website of the operator on the day of sending electronic order except if between the two parties expressly agreed otherwise.

2. By sending the order the buyer accepts without reservation all the provisions of the "General Conditions" in force at the date of dispatch of the order.

3. The buyer declares, that before filling orders acquainted with these general terms and conditions, and that they unreservedly endorses.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Treaty, the operator is not liable to the buyer for loss of profit, loss of opportunity or any other indirect or consequential loss due to negligence, breach of contract or otherwise incurred. In case, If it is demonstrated to the competent authority of the Slovak Republic of certain provisions of these terms be invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part,, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions and the remaining parts of the relevant provisions remain unaffected by.

4. Relations between the two parties, which are not regulated by these "Terms and Conditions" are governed by the Commercial Code No.. 513/1991 as amended, Act No.. 108/2000 Z.z. Consumer Protection in Doorstep Selling and Distance Selling as amended, Act No.. 22/2004 Z.z. electronic commerce, as amended, or other laws of Slovak law.

5. The operator and the buyer have agreed, Fully recognize the electronic form of communication, in particular through electronic mail and Internet network as valid and binding on both parties in relation to Law No.22 / 2004 mainly § 5 cit. law.

In Pezinok day 23.10.2013 Ski Club Baba – Pezinok

Holubyho 18, 902 01 Pezinok