Ski and cross-country skiing
In the area of ski resort has four downhill tracks 300 m, 240 m, 180 m a 90 m children's line. The resort has gentle slopes and is equipped with lifts for beginners and families with small children. There are lifts, including a conveyor belt. The center is equipped with artificial snow, artificial light and is designed to teach skiing with daily traffic of 9:00 do 16:00.
Zochova Chata - sand
Lifts and slopes
In the area of ski resort has four downhill tracks 90 m, 180 m, 240 m a 300 m. There are lifts, including a conveyor belt.
transport capacity
The total transport capacity / people per hour
length tracks
The summary length of ski trails of the ski resort
cross-country skier track
The center line is the Nordic of at 15 km
Conveyor belt
Sunkid 30 s capacity 1200 people per hour