Instructions for participants on Babské trails.
- Cyclist (biker) is responsible for the correct selection of the ticket according to the currently valid price list.
- Before buying a ticket, the cyclist is obliged to familiarize himself with the visiting and operating regulations and is obliged to sign the biker declaration, thereby agreeing to it and committing to comply with it. In the biker's declaration, he will state his personal data, which will be processed in accordance with applicable regulations. Otherwise, he will not be issued a ticket and transport on the lift will not be allowed.
- When you purchase the buyer must immediately check the correctness of the issued ticket, late claims will not be accepted.
- The operator is not responsible for the validity of tickets purchased outside of the center's official sale.
- The ticket is non-transferable – only one person may use the ticket.
- The cyclist is obliged to follow the instructions of the lift operator and to observe all the command and prohibition signs. In case of inappropriate behavior and disobeying instructions, the lift operator is entitled not to allow the use of the lift without compensation.
- Transportation (export of bikers) on the lift, it is carried out by attaching the suspension to the stem of the bicycle, or by leaning against the body in the case of an anchor. The stem must be free without additional attachments (mobil, light and others.) so that they are not damaged.
- When transporting on a lift, it is most advantageous to slide the seat as low as possible. When boarding, the drag line is caught by the stem, and when exiting at the end of the lift, the rider releases it himself by pulling the strap, or a fixed part of the anchor.
- In the event of a fall, the rider leaves the trail as quickly as possible with the bike.
- The cyclist is obliged to present a valid ticket to the lift operator and authorized persons upon request, when getting, but also getting off the lift. For tickets to the name it shall on request of the operator is also able to show valid proof of identity with photo.
- The fare is non-refundable – In unfavorable weather conditions, interruption of operation, in the event of lift failure caused by inappropriate behavior of cyclists on the lift, blackouts. No compensation is provided even for early departure, There can be no extension of the ticket.
- In order to reimburse the price of the ticket in the event of an accident, it is necessary to present a certificate from a doctor! Reimbursement of the fare is decided individually according to the use of the ticket.
- Falsifying and altering tickets or ticket stickers is a crime - the attendant is obliged to immediately take away such a ticket and report it to the head of the center for further investigation.
- traverse (slalomovanie) and buckling of the track, catching the drivers on the track lift, swinging the damage to the carrier and the drivers or components of the tow could be fatal.
- Group tickets are bought and paid for by one person (group leader) and is responsible for properly filling out the biker's declaration and affixing control stickers.
- By purchasing a ticket, the buyer undertakes to respect and observe the valid tariff and transport conditions and at the same timeagrees to these terms.
- Riding a bicycle on the lift and on marked cycle routes is at your own risk.
- The visitor to the center is obliged to move only along the marked cycling routes and places designated for this, and at the same time to respect all the instructions of the operator on his land, and other owners, or administrators of the land on which it moves.
- The operator is not responsible for injuries caused by not adapting the ride to one's abilities and the condition of the cycle paths (ground). In the event of an accident on cycle paths, the emergency services must be called 112, or 155.
- The lift operator is not responsible for damage to the bicycle, or cyclists' gear.
Thank you BABA Ski Club for your understanding – Pezinok