PLEASE NOTE all participants and drivers of the ride connected with the operation of the VL1000 lift, that during operation of the lift in the center does not have an Emergency Medical Service. Travel organizer, Babské trails o.z. and lift operator, Ski club Baba – Pezinok, Holubyho 18, 902 01 Pezinok is not responsible for any accidents and every participant of the ride on Babské trails and export by lift carries out their activities at their own risk.
I confirm with my signature, that I was familiar with the operating procedure, and that I voluntarily participate in the operation of the VL1000 lift and will not demand compensation for material damage from the operator, or health in case of not being able to ride the lift, or trails. At the same time I undertake to follow all instructions of the operator and will truthfully inform him of my experiences and findings during operation.
In the case of riders younger than 18 years RIDER DECLARATION (BIKER) signed by the parent, or legal representative.
Personal data are processed in accordance with Art. 6 ods. 1 letter. b) Regulations of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679 from 27. April 2016 on the protection of natural persons in the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repeals Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), resp. § 13 ods. 1 letter b) Act No.. 18/2018 Z.z. on the protection of personal data and on the amendment of certain laws”