New snow to 3 cm, but also warming.

New snow to 3 cm, but also warming.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 19.1.2021 O 8:00, temperature -1,1 °C, cloudy. From yesterday, it occurred to 3 cm of fresh snow. Cross-country trails on Pezinská Baba are still passable. The day before yesterday, they were adapted for skating technique with a scooter. Along the edges ...

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The return of fog and ice.

The return of fog and ice.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 28.12.2020 O 8:00, Temperature -2.2 ° C, fog, ice cream. Already in the early evening, fog began to blow in with the fresh southeast wind, and still holds on. By morning, a little snow fell on Pezinská Babe 1 cm, which...

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