There was a frost in the morning.

There was a frost in the morning.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 2.3.2021 O 7:10, temperature 2.6 ° C, almost clear. There are only remnants of technical snow. Ráno bol prízemný mráz.Bufety s výdajom cez okienko sú otvorené na Pezinskej Babe, and over the weekend at Zochova chata. Užívaj...

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Fog and sun in the morning.

Fog and sun in the morning.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 23.2.2021 O 7:00, 0 ° C, cloudy, fog. After the snow, mostly only ice areas remained. Cross-country trails on Pezinská Baba are really impassable. The surface is ice, water and mud. You can also find current information on FB..

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Rain and ice this morning.

Rain and ice this morning.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 17.2.2021 O 7:20, temperature -3,1 °C, cloudy. Yesterday it fell completely into 5 snow cm. This morning, the rain during the frost caused snow to settle and ice to form up to 2 mm. The total height of natural snow in the forest is....

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