Current weather Pezinská Baba 8.3.2025 O 7:10, temperature 6.9 ° C., Partly cloudy. Today it is in operation lift DOUBLE from 9:00 do 16:00 and night skiing from 17:00 do 21:00. On a slope with ski lift DOUBLE from 20 do 50 cm of artificial snow. DOUBLE slope near the lift was last night modified. Early in the morning the surface of the slope is hard to ice. Other slopes are without snow, and the lifts there are not in operation. Even today you can use the Posezone Price List.
Today there is a carnival on Pezinok Baba on skis and all masks get 3 Clock ticket free. The presentation of masks is from 9:00 do 11:00 and evaluation of masks about 12:00.
Please note, that sledding and sliding is very limited and it is possible, but only at the top before the slope where skiing is skiing. On the slope where skiing is entry on foot and sledding prohibited.
The resort Zochova cottage It is now in operation pas SunKid 30 a EPV 300 from 9:00 do 17:00. On the slope is to 50 cm of artificial snow.
Rental A and Servis DK Sports on is open during the operation of lifts.
The picture is from Pezinská Baby's day 8.3.2025 O 7:10.