Operation of lifts at Zochova cottage.

Operation of lifts at Zochova cottage.

Na Zochova chat It is now in operation pas SunKid 30 a EPV 300 in length 180 from 9:00 do 16:00. On the slopes it is to 20 cm of artificial snow.

From 5.2.2024 je prevádzka vlekov v stredisku na Pezinskej Babe prerušená až do odvolania. The rental shop and ski service on Pezinská Baba are open from 9:00 do 16:00.

WE ASK visitors not to use the slopes for walking, which are open for skiing. You can only use non-skiing areas for sliding. Thank you for understanding.

Obrázok je zo Zochovej chaty z 7.2.2024.