Current weather 8.12.2023 on Pezinská Baba o 7:30, Temperature -2.9 ° C, cloudy, fog.
Today, at Pezinská Baba, we continue daily operations from 9:00 do 16:00 on the DOUBLE lift. Night skiing is not yet. On a slope with ski lift DOUBLE is to 25 cm technical and natural snow. The slope was treated last night. At night, however, we technically zasnežovali.
Zochova cottage will start operating on Saturday 9.12.2023. We will specify the next operation according to the snow conditions.
WE ASK visitors to move, for your own safety, in both areas they did not use the slopes where it technically snows, edits, or already open for skiing. There is currently enough natural snow for sliding, alebo “skialp” všade. Thank you for understanding.
You can find information about cross-country trails from administrators and the public in the Baba cross-country group (
The picture is from Pezinská Baba 8.12.2023 O 7:20, view of the lower part of the slope at the DOUBLE lift.
Daily operation on Pezinská Baba.