Lyžiarske stredisko – Pezinská Baba

The end of the season in inline alpine.

Members of LK Baba ended the series of races World Cup in Inline Alpine. They once again reached the points in the TOP 30. World Cup - 6. kolo – Oviedo Spain World Cup: Martin Schvarc (26), Tomáš Srnánek (27), Marek Leg (28), Filip Schvarc (29), Mother Nogová (30). In the overall rating of the series World Cup 2023 so the competitors were placed on the rungs: Martin Schvarc (34), Tomáš Srnánek (36), Marek Leg (55), Mother Nogová (56), Filip Schvarc (65). They also took place in Oviedo, Spain European Championships in giant slalom. Pretekári si vykorčuľovali výborné miesta v kategóriách Masters – Marek Noga (5), Junior – Filip Schvarc (19), Senior – Martin Schvarc (14), Tomáš Srnánek (16), Mother Nogová (25). The last round of the race series took place in September Czechoslovak cup CILA CUP 2023. In the overall evaluation, the men's category was won by Martin Schvarc 2. town, in the older pupils category – Filip Schvarc 2. town.

Discount: Schvarc Filip, Schvarc Martin, Tomas Srnanek, Leg Emma, Marek's leg

World Cup World Cup Oviedo

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