Slovak Inline Alpine Championship.

Slovak Inline Alpine Championship.

day 22. 7. 2023 took place in Senc Slovak Inline Alpine Championships. In addition to Slovak competitors, representatives from Poland also took part in the competition. Champion of Slovakia for the year 2023 Tomáš Srnánek won in the category of juniors and men. The other members of LK Baba also placed in the medal positions: Martin Schvarc (3. place - juniors and men), Filip Schvarc (3. place - older students) and Ema Nogová (2. place - junior girls and women). Marek Noga placed on 6. place in the category juniors and men.

We are also attaching the results of our competitors from this year's international Inline Alpine races.

27. 5. – 28. 5. 2023  WORLD CUP - 1. ROUND – SLOVAKIA WORLD CUP (placing in the top 30)

Ema Nogová – 29. town

Tomáš Srnánek – 24. town

Martin Schvarc – 30. town

17. 6. – 18. 6. 2023 WORLD CUP - 2. ROUND – BLASTER FURNACE CZECH REPUBLIC WORLD CUP (placing in the top 30)

Martin Schvarc – 21. town

Tomáš Srnánek – 26. town

1. 7. – 2. 7. 2023 WORLD CUP - 3. KOLO – DEGMARN GERMANY WORLD CUP (placing in the top 30)

Martin Schvarc – 24. town

Marek Noga – 30. town

In days 6. – 9. 7. the INLINE SLALOM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Barcelona took place 2023. Our competitors fought on a very demanding track and managed to bring good results:

Tomáš Srnánek 13. town (Senior M) - giant slalom

Tomáš Srnánek 9. town (Senior M) – parallel slalom

Martin Schvarc 14. town (senior M) – combination

Filip Schvarc 9. town (junior M) – combination

Filip Schvarc 9. town (junior M) – slalom

Filip Schvarc 9. town (junior M) – parallel slalom

Mother Nogová 8. town (senior W) – slalom