Only the Zochova chata resort is in operation.

Only the Zochova chata resort is in operation.

Current weather 19.2.2023 on Pezinská Baba o 7:00, temperature 7.1°C, cloudy, light rain.
Operation of lifts in the resort Pezinská Baba is suspended until further notice.
Na Zochova chat will run belt SunKid30 and EPV300 in length 150 m of 9:00 do 16:00. On the slopes of the 5 do 30 cm technical and natural snow. You can use it today 20% zľavu na časové denné listky.
CAUTION! The ski resort operator bears no responsibility for injuries caused while sledding, which is at your own risk.
Sledding in both centers is possible only on the remaining snow in places where no skiing is possible. We also ask you not to enter the slopes where there is skiing.
Thank you for understanding and respecting our request.
Image of Zochova cottage day 18.2.2023.