Current weather on Pezinská Baba o 7:00 Temperature -1.9 ° C, cloudy, fog. Today will be on Pezinská Baba in service T-bar lift from DOUBLE 9:00 do 16:00. On the slope near the DOUBLE lift, natural snow has been prepared to 15 cm. On a hillside at EPV 300 is untreated snow to 25 cm. Night skiing is not. You can use Pezinská Baba today 20% discount on timed day tickets.
Na Zochova chat It will now operate strip from SunKid30 9:00 do 16:00. In the vicinity of the strip is to 30 cm technical and natural snow.
CAUTION! The ski resort operator bears no responsibility for injuries caused while sledding, which is at your own risk.
Tobogganing is possible on Pezinská Baba on the slope below VN and VL1000. Please do not enter the slope near the DOUBLE and EPV300 lifts.
You can sled on the slope at the POMA F10 lift at Zochova cottage. We also ask that you do not step on the slope near the EPV lift and the SunKid30 belt.
Thank you for understanding and respecting our request.
Image of Zochova cottage day 22.1.2023.