Current weather 28.12.2022 O 7:00, temperature of 0.3 ° C, Partly cloudy. Today will be on Pezinská Baba anchor in operation stain DOUBLE from 9:00 do 16:00. Night skiing is not. On the slope is to 20 cm of artificial snow. The slope was treated last night. In the morning, we had snow on the finish line, even though the frost is very weak. Today you can take advantage of the price reduction of day tickets to Pezinská Baba 20%.
In the center on Zochova chat will run EPV spot 300 in length 150 m a pás SunKid 30 for the little ones from 9:00 do 16:00. On the slopes it is to 20 cm of artificial snow.
In the following days, the lifts will be in operation daily from 9:00 do 16:00, if conditions permit.
A picture – view from below of the slope at the DOUBLE lift 28.12.2022 O 6:40.