Today, the operation on Pezinská Baba is until 13:00.

Today, the operation on Pezinská Baba is until 13:00.

Current weather 24.12.2022 O 7:00, Operation of the lifts is interrupted in both centers until .., cloudy. Today will be on Pezinská Baba running T-bar lift DOUBLE od 9:00 do 13:00. Night skiing is not. On the slope is to 25 cm of artificial snow. On the other slopes is only natural snow in 5 cm.
Center Zochova cottage is today CLOSED.
In the following Christmas days, the lifts will be in operation daily from 9:00 do 16:00, if conditions permit.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
A picture – view from below of the slope at the DOUBLE lift 23.12.2022 O 14:00.