From the morning so far it has invaded 5 cm of fresh snow.

From the morning so far it has invaded 5 cm of fresh snow.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 9.12.2021 O 9:00, -2,3°C, snow. So far, it has occurred from morning until 5 cm of fresh snow. The height of natural snow is approximately to 15 cm. We temporarily interrupted the technical snowmaking on Pezinská Baba due to the weakening of frosts and the lack of water in the reservoir. At the moment, it is premature to talk about the operation of the lifts on Pezinská Baba, as we do not yet know whether a layer of snow, which is to attack, will be sufficient to cover inequalities and adjustments.
There is a possibility, that the belt will be in operation at Zochova chata, as it was possible to snow around the belt. Please follow our website, or FB where we specify everything.
Cross-country trails 2,3,4 km were adjusted on Monday. You can find more current info about cross-country trails in the FB group Bežky Baba
Buffets with delivery through the window are open at Pezinská Baba, and over the weekend at Zochova chata.
Picture of Baby on Pezinska 9.12.2021 O 8:20. View of the middle part of the slope at the DOUBLE lift.