Lyžiarske stredisko – Pezinská Baba

1. round of the Inline Alpine Slalom World Cup in Vuzenice, Slovenia

After a one-year break caused by a coronavirus pandemic, the competitors returned to the Carousel of the World Cup in Vuzenice, Slovenia.. Despite the strict measures still in force, the organizers managed to organize the race at an excellent level and the riders were able to compete on a completely new track in the Slovenian mountains.. The only complication was the weather, whereas due to occasional collisions, all the race laps were driven on a wet track. On Saturday, it traditionally started with a local competition, who was the general for Sunday's World Cup. Zo zástupcov LK BABA – Pezinok si v sobotu odniesol medailu Filip Schvarc v kategórii chlapcov do 14 years for 3. place and Tomáš Srnánek in the category of boys to 18 years for 2. town. Martin Schvarc took 4th place in this same category. Among women, Barora Tichá took 11th place. Andrej Tichý took 5th place in the masters category.

In Sunday's World Cup in the men's category, Tomáš Srnánek achieved an excellent result, who conquered 13. town. Na 16. place Andrej Tichý finished, na 17. Martin Schvarc

A record of the rides and statements can be found at:
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