Today, the trial operation of the first trail on Pezinská Baba will be connected with the export by lift.

Today, the trial operation of the first trail on Pezinská Baba will be connected with the export by lift.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 8.5.2021 O 7:00, 2.5 ° C, clear.

Today 8.5.2021 will be from 10:00 do 16:00 trial operation of the first trail on Pezinská Baba connected with the operation of the DOUBLE lift for those interested in exporting. The price for export by tow truck for an unlimited number of trips is 5,- eur. More info and pictures about the construction can be found at

Cyclists on ordinary mountain bikes or e-bikes can also try XC circuits, which are part of this first stage.

This activity for fans of mountain biking was also possible thanks to the support of Lesov SR, The town of Pezinok, relevant state administration bodies, sponsors, but mainly thanks to enthusiasts and CKPK.