Current weather in Pezinská Babe 8.2.2021 O 8:00, temperature -2,9 °C, cloudy, fog. After yesterday's rain, this morning, natural snow fell on 2 cm to unfrozen ground.
According to an approved Covid vending machine, and its rules in force since 8.2.2021 we are like the district of Pezinok on this 6. week in III. warning levels, we could have the lifts open subject to valid tests not older than 24 when 72 hours. From 8.2.2021 however, the superior Decree of the Public Health Office of the Slovak Republic published in the Bulletin of the Government of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 19/2021 is also in force, side 94, where indicated, that the law closes retail establishments and establishments providing services, except for exceptions, among which there are no ski resorts.
Cross-country trails on Pezinská Baba are currently impassable. You can also find current info on Baba https cross-country skis://
For a significant decline in interest, and snow, the rental is CLOSED. Operation in the next period will depend on snow conditions and the number of orders.
Buffets with delivery through the window are open at Pezinská Baba and at the weekend also at Zochova chata.
Picture of Baby on Pezinska 8.2.2021 O 7:20.