Lyžiarske stredisko – Pezinská Baba

It got cold this morning and attacked 2 cm of fresh wet snow.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 24.1.2021 O 9:50, temperature -0,7 °C, cloudy, fog. It got cold this morning and attacked 2 cm of fresh wet snow on unfrozen or icy ground.

Cross-country trails on Pezinská Baba are limitedly accessible only for undemanding and skilled cross-country skiers.

For a significant decline in interest, and snow, the rental is CLOSED. Operation in the next period will depend on snow conditions and the number of orders.

Buffets with delivery through the window are open at Pezinská Baba and at Zochova chata.

Enjoy, contribute and win!
You too can win the all-season ticket 2021/2022. At this extremely critical time for us, we ask all willing, individual visitors, to voluntarily contribute financially to us to maintain the operation of the ski resort in the coming years. Most of you use private space for parking, whose maintenance was in the past financed from the ski passes of paying visitors. Also, most of you use the areas of ski slopes with technical snow for individual relaxation. As we currently have no income from the operation of the lifts, we will be happy for any of your voluntary contributions in any amount. You can send contributions to our account SK46 0900 0000 0000 1919 0625. Indicate the variable symbol 2021 and you can add a slope to the note, cross-country skiing, or parking at your discretion. Of all voluntary donors, in the form of a raffle, we draw in early april 2021 winners.
1 price: season ticket for the season 2021/2022,
2 price: 32 hours / season 2021/2022,
3 price: 16/hours / season 2021/2022.

Thanks to everyone, who have contributed to our account so far. At the same time, we believe, that other visitors will be aware of the seriousness of the situation and will also contribute financially, not just his trash.
Thank you for understanding.

Picture of Baby on Pezinska 24.1.2021 O 9:50.

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