Current weather in Pezinská Babe 29.12.2020 O 7:00, temperature -0,1°C, Partly cloudy. By morning, a fine layer of fresh snow had fallen into 1 cm. At Pezinská Babe the lifts are not in operation due to lack of snow.
ATTENTION! The SunKid children's conveyor belt will be in operation today in the Zochova chata resort 30 at least for the youngest children from 10:00 do 16:00. In the vicinity of the strip is to 20 cm of artificial snow. Entry to the technically snowy area is allowed only with a valid ticket. Children to 10 years do not need to have a test for Covid-19. Please observe all currently valid regulations and rules.
Please keep in mind the validity of the regulation: “To the ski resort can from 14. 12.2020 (until further notice) only persons with a negative PCR or antigen test, not older than 72 hours. A negative test is mandatory for all over 10 years of age.”
The picture is from Zochova chata dne 29.12.2020 O 9:40.