Current weather in Pezinská Babe 28.12.2020 O 8:00, Temperature -2.2 ° C, fog, ice cream. Already in the early evening, fog began to blow in with the fresh southeast wind, and still holds on. By morning, a little snow fell on Pezinská Babe 1 cm, which covered approximately 3 mm layer of ice. We had to use technical snow to create the ice, strong wind and interrupt higher temperature. We just remind you of the need for extra caution when moving on the ice.
CAUTION ! During the deployment of equipment for artificial snow on the slopes of the movement of persons without the consent of the disabled. Delay in the vicinity of snow cannons, pressure hoses and electrical cables can be visible even without their lethal activities. Cables and hoses can be distributed across the width of the slope and the ski lifts.
Picture with Pezinska Baby 28.12.2020 O 7:40.