On the Sibírská Street in Bratislava has already taken place this year 17. vintage combined inline races. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, there was a race moved from the usual June deadline to September. Despite these however, the organizers managed to secure complications full race, which were attended by competitors from several Bratislava clubs and from Pezinok. In addition, the weather shuffled the cards, which has not been very favorable since the morning, however, in the afternoon it became clear and the race took place they started at a postponed afternoon without major complications.
Athlete results LK BABA Pezinok:
Filip Schvarc – 3. town (prolonged)
Tomáš Srnánek – 1. town (older students)
Lukáš Lošonský – 3. town (older students)
Martin Schvarc – 4. town (older students)