Lyžiarske stredisko – Pezinská Baba

The first and second rounds of the Czechoslovak Cup in Spořice, Czech Republic

With the loosening of measures related to the spread due to the COVID-19 coronavirus, the district inline racing season also started slowly alpine. As part of security measures, the World Series was canceled this year cup and the World Ranking race, but the organizers managed to organize at least Czechoslovak Cup race, which was launched in Czech Spořice 27.-28.6.2020. Despite the current situation, the race had international participation, keď sa ich okrem Čechov a Slovákov zúčastnili aj jazdci z Poľska a Lotyšska.

LK BABA Pezinok traditionally had a strong presence and our competitors they took home a lot of precious metals. On Saturday, the season started with slalom and on Sunday, the giant slalom continued.

Saturday slalom:

Older Prejudice: 3. place of Filip Schvarc

Older students: Lukáš Losonský, 2. place Tomas Roe deer, 3. Lukáš place Ceizel

Masters men: 3. city ​​of Marek Noga

Sunday giant slalom:

Older Prejudice: 3. place of Filip Schvarc

Older students: Tomáš Srnánek, 2. place Lukáč Ceizel, 3. place Martin Schvarc

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