Today in operation Pezinská Baba also Zochova cottage.

Today in operation Pezinská Baba also Zochova cottage.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 17.2.2020 O 6:40, temperature of 1.4 ° C, cloudy.

Today is Pezinská Baba running T-bar lift DOUBLE od 9:00 do 16:00. Night skiing is not. On a slope with ski lift DOUBLE is to 20 cm of artificial snow. The slope was modified yesterday. Morning snow surface is frozen.

Today is Zochova chat in service SunKid30 belt and lift EPV 300 from 9:00 do 16:00. On the slopes it is to 20 cm of artificial snow.

important information: Baba Slalom race 2020 They are translated at 29.2.2020!

View of the slope with ski lift DOUBLE Pezinská Babe day 17.2.2020 O 9:30