Today in operation Zochova cottage.

Today in operation Zochova cottage.

Lift operation in Pezinská Baba is today INTERRUPTED. The operation will be resumed as soon as conditions permit. We expect, that we can override bottlenecks and DOUBLE lift will be in operation tomorrow Saturday 8.2.2020 from 9:00 do 16:00.

Today 7.2.2020 Zochova cottage is running strip SunKid 30 a EPV 300 in length 150 m of 9:00 do 16:00. Around the belt and at EPV 300 it is to 20 cm of artificial snow.

Current weather in Pezinská Babe 7.2.2020 O 7:00, temperature -0,4°C, cloudy.

important information: Baba Slalom race 2020 They are translated at 29.2.2020!

View of the slope near the lift DOUBLE 7.2.2020 O 7:10.