Current weather 7.2.2018 O 7:00, -4,1°C, cloudy. The operation of the lifts in the resort Pezinská Baba interrupted until further. Outside the slopes did not leave almost no snow. Technically artificial snow slope with ski lift DOUBLE if conditions permit. today in 16:00 thought to 12 cm of fresh snow. From tomorrow 8.2.2018 It will be operated by T-bar lift DOUBLE 9:00 do 16:00 and night skiing from 17:00 do 21:00.
The resort Zochova cottage it is SunKid30 running belt and rope tow LPVE 3-120 from 9:00 do 16:00. On the hillside near to the belt 25 cm of artificial snow. Other slopes are without snow. Technically artificial snow slope with ski lift EPV-300 if conditions permit.
Picture of Baby Pezinska 7.2.2018 O 7:00.