Lyžiarske stredisko – Pezinská Baba

day 29.1.2018 – na Pezinskej Babe je prevádzka prerušená, Zochova cottage in service.

Current weather 29.1.2018 O 7:00, +5,9°C, cloudy. The operation of the lifts in the resort Pezinská Baba interrupted until further. Outside of ski slopes for extreme warming leaving only remnants of snow.

The resort Zochova cottage it is SunKid30 running belt and rope tow LPVE 3-120 from 9:00 do 16:00. On the hillside near to the belt 30 cm of artificial snow.

Image of Zochova cottage at the waist SunKid30 on 29.1.2018.o 8:30.

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