Current weather 27.1.2018 O 7:00, -0,5°C, cloudy. Outside the slopes it is to 15 cm of natural snow. Today will be in operation DOUBLE anchor lift and, if necessary, POMA H-60 from 9:00 do 16:00 and night skiing from 17:00 do 21:00. On the hillside in tow DOUBLE from 5 do 30 cm technical and natural snow. Slope with ski lift DOUBLE last night was treated within the Snow. You can still use lower prices of daily time tickets.
The resort Zochova cottage will lift in operation since 9:00 do 16:00. On the hillside near to the belt 40 cm of artificial snow, the other is to slopes 10 cm of natural snow.
Cross-country trails at Pezinská Baba They are covered with a compressed layer of snow in 10 cm. Track Three she was 24.1.2018 adjusted with scooter the skating technique.
Sledding and sliding, both resorts is only possible on the slopes, not open for skiing. To open the slopes for skiing and sledding is prohibited walking on foot.
Image of Pezinska baby in tow DOUBLE 26.1.2018 O 9:30.
View of the slope near the lift DOUBLE 27.1.2018 O 9:05.