DAY 4.1.2018 WILL lifts OD 9:00 DO 16:00.

DAY 4.1.2018 WILL lifts OD 9:00 DO 16:00.

Current weather 4.1.2018 O 7:00, temperature of 4.1 ° C, cloudy. Today will be operated by T-bar lift DOUBLE 9:00 do 16:00. Night skiing is not. On a slope with ski lift DOUBLE from 5 do 30 cm technical and natural snow. You can still use lower prices of daily time tickets.

The resort Zochova cottage It will now operate SunKid conveyor belt 30 and a rope tow LPVE 3-120 from 9:00 do 16:00.

Cross-country trails at Pezinská Baba are already suitable only for relatively few and only in parts.