DAY 3.1.2018 WILL lifts OD 9:00 DO 16:00.

DAY 3.1.2018 WILL lifts OD 9:00 DO 16:00.

Current weather 3.1.2018 O 7:00, teplota 1,6°C, cloudy. Today will be operated by T-bar lift DOUBLE 9:00 do 16:00. Night skiing is not. On a slope with ski lift DOUBLE from 10 do 30 cm technical and natural snow. The slope was treated this morning. You can still use lower prices of daily time tickets.

The resort Zochova cottage It will now operate SunKid conveyor belt 30 and a rope tow LPVE 3-120 from 9:00 do 16:00.

Cross-country trails at Pezinská Baba are already suitable only for a little challenging.

View of the slope near the lift DOUBLE 3.1.2018 O 7:30.

View of the slope near the lift DOUBLE 3.1.2018 O 9:20.

View of the slope at the waist SunKid30 on Zochova cottage day 3.1.2018.