Current weather 20.1.2017 O 7:30 -7,8°C, clear. temperature at 24 throw. me. -11,0°C, max. -0,4°C. Today will operate DOUBLE T-bar lift and, if necessary, Poma H-60 from 9:00 do 16:00 and night skiing from 17:00 do 21:00. On a slope with ski lift DOUBLE from 30 do 60 cm technical and natural snow. The slope was treated last night, Tonight, however, we technically zasnežovali. Besides technical snow-covered slope to 15 cm of natural snow.
The resort Zochova cottage is now running conveyor belt Sun Kid 30, children's rope tow, EPV spot 300 and to some extent of F-10 9:00 do 16:00. On the slopes of the 30 do 50 cm technical and natural snow.
Information for cross-country skiing: Running track Troika was 17.1.2017 after dohádzaní snow in some places treated with scooter classic and skating technique across the board.
Picture of Baby Pezinska 20.1.2017 O 7:30.