World Cup Final and 3. Czech Cup in Němčičky, Czech Republic.

World Cup Final and 3. Czech Cup in Němčičky, Czech Republic.

On Saturday, 5. September, the Czech town Nemcicky held the World Cup final and also inserted race CILA Czech Cup in inline alpine slalom. In the women's category went to the World Cup 29. Tatiana place Ančicová. Barbora Still was disqualified in the first round and Theresa Ančicová in the second round. In the category of men between thirty best riders got Andrej Tichý, who conquered 29. town. Marek Noga was disqualified in the first round.

In the inserted race CILA Cup in won in the category predžiačok Ema Nogová. In the category predžiakov conquered 3. Thomas and place Srnánek 4. place Matthew Noga.V category of younger female students triumphed Tatiana Ančicová. Junior men and conquered 4. place Andrej Tichý.

Overall, the World Cup won in the women's category Barbora Tichá 29. town, Theresa Ančicová 31. town, Tatiana Ančicová 35. place and Kristina also Michalková 35. town. In the category of men finished 61. Andrej Tichý and 82. Matej Reisenbuchler.

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