On Sundays, 23. augusta, Bramberg flowed in the inline alpine slalom in the World Cup and the athletes 13 do 16 years also competed for the title of European Champion Whiteboard. In the World Cup won in the women's category 41. Tatiana place Ančicová (LK Baba Pezinok). Barbora Quiet and Theresa Ančicová (Both LK Baba Pezinok) They were consistently disqualified in the second round. In the category of men conquered 56. place after a mistake in the second round Matej Reisenbuchler (LK Baba Pezinok).
In the race to students' European championship among girls ended on 24. Tatiana place Ančicová and 30. place among boys finished Matej Reisenbuchler. Barbora Quiet and Theresa Ančicová were disqualified in the second round.