On Thursday, 6. augusta, Martin was in the third place Championship of Slovakia inline alpine. This race was definitely the most successful so far and we also saw some news. GPs participated in the highest number of competitors among all grades, as well as their athletes to attend the 4 countries, and competitors from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine. As these races zarátavali and to order World Ranking, They became so the first race of this kind in Slovakia in history. In addition to medals and diplomas to athletes they take home and glasses for Champions Slovakia, which have received top Slovak athletes in each category.
Our competitors from LK Baba Pezinok occupied leading positions.
In the category of older predžiačok ranked Ema Nogová first, which has become so well Slovak champion. In older predžiakoch placed in the first place Thomas Srnánek and second in Matthew Noga. Fieldbus Master Slovakia became Tomas Srnánek. In the category of young female students he won Barbora Tichá, Second place went to Theresa Ančicová, Tatiana Ančicová fourth and sixth Kristina Michalková. Slovak champion Barbora became silent. The younger students are placed in second place Matej Reisenbuchler. Junior men and took second place Andrej Tichý and third place went to Mark Noga.