On Sundays, 22. June, took place the next race in Ceska Briza near Chomutov, World Cup coupled with CILA Czech cup-om. In the World Cup went to Lenka Kesey (Kesely team) 29. in the category Women, which earned her the World Cup rating 2 body. Na 40. Kristína Michalková took the first place (LK Baba Pezinok), na 41. Natalia Miklušková (LK Baba Pezinok), na 42. Barbora Liptáková (Kesely team), na 43. Barbora Tichá (LK Baba Pezinok) Ana 44. Zuzana Keselá (Kesely team). In the category of men conquered 28. place Dušan Ambros (Ambros Ski Club), what he got 3 body. Na 38. Marián Miklušek took the place (LK Baba Pezinok) Ana 41. place was Andrej Tichý (LK Baba Pezinok).