2. round World Cup and 2. Czech Cup in Turnovo, Czech Republic

On Sundays, 8. June, continued Turnovo World Cup races and the Czech CILA cup-om. The World Cup saw the best result among Slovak riders Lenka Kesey (Kesely team), which was placed on 20. place and was classified as the first female rider among riders of a nationality other than German. You wrote it down like that 11 points in the World Cup ranking. However, other Slovak competitors did not reach the points, because they were placed outside the elite thirty. Kristína Michalková finished on 33. rungs, Natália Miklušková arrived at 36., Barbora Tichá na 38. (All three LK Baba Pezinok). In the men's category 6 points were won by Marián Miklušek (LK Baba Pezinok), which was placed on 25. rungs. On the unpopular 31. place was Andrej Tichý (LK Baba Pezinok).

In the embedded race of the CILA cup, the 3. Ema Nogová took first place in the category of pre-schoolers (LK Baba Pezinok). In the category of pre-schoolers, he finished on 4. place Matej Reisenbuchler and on 7. Matthew Noga (Both LK Baba Pezinok). The category of younger pupils was won by Kristína Michalková, Natália Miklušková took second place and Barbora Tichá finished third. Marián Miklušek won in the category of younger students. In the category of juniors and men, he finished on 10. place Andrej Tichý.

Cila cup 1 2014in Cila cup 1 2014-2in