Lyžiarske stredisko – Pezinská Baba

5. a 6. Czech Cup in Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

On Saturday, 21.September 2013, the Czech Kralupy place 5. a 6. Czech Cup CILA Cup. Both races are run under the discipline slalom, while at first he decided better of the two times and again in the second sum of the two rounds. The first race in the category predžiačky 2. place went to Kristina Michalková, 3. Barbora ended Quiet, 4. Natalia Miklušková (All three LK Baba Pezinok). In the category of younger pupils conquered 2. Marian place Miklušek (LK Baba Pezinok). In the category of men conquered 10. place Andrej Tichý (LK Baba Pezinok). In the subsequent second race 2. rung occupied Kristina Michalková, 3. place belonged to Natalie Mikluškovej, 4. Barbora ended Quiet. Likewise second place in the category of younger pupils conquered Marian Miklušek. In the category of men conquered 9. place Andrej Tichý.

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