Bežkársky circuit 5 km

Pezinská Baba is machine-maintained cross-country circuits. The longest of them is 5 km Circuit modified the classic style and the freestyle with a width of 4 meters and a total elevation of 144 meters

This circuit is for a year 2006 homologizovaný even for organizing sports competitions at the ski run. Also in this area they are also held public cross-country competition as well as competition in ski orienteering.



Immediately after the start of the rod followed by a climb to the top station of the ski lifts in length of 411 meters where the onset of 29 vertical meters. Followed by a shorter downhill followed by a relatively sharp bend to the left and steepest climb on the highest point of the hill Korenný. There have been about 1km behind and to very gently undulating terrain to lift the ratim. After a sharp turn to the right at the lift followed by a slight fall in hustníkového forest and gradual twisting dopava result on the road linking the blue tourist sign with red. Currently away felled wood and a nice view of Pezinok. Followed by descent and almost touch with the upstream portion of the route. That we about 2. Kilometres. Image

Followed by further lowering followed by a sharp left turn with a slight trespass. Track progresses along the border with the forest. At the intersection of the turns dopava and continues to fall down. The bottom dead center of the corners on the right and starts to climb the second highest peak. This is nachvíľku interrupted the place where the cross with the red tourist sign.

If worse snow conditions, the above-mentioned period shortened and the 2. kilometer leads still a dirt road directly on this intersection. Then the whole circuit is about 4.65km

The image intersection with a red mark followed by a longer and steeper climb to the ridge, at the top of the degree of bend in levogyratory moderates but a moment to sharpen reach the top of the hill. There is a sharp turn and levorotatory after a beautiful short ridge on 3. kilometer followed by steeper descent back to the red mark under Horsehead. Within the descent is a sharp turn to the right by about 150 degrees followed by the longest descent on okruhu.Image

The descent is completed curve to the right and short opposite slope behind which the forest followed by two short Hupky. That we 4. kilometers and is followed by the longest continuous climb. But it starts stmým first section which is very annoying and to gradually reconciles. Poom already at a slight climb we come to the point where it connects the 5 km circuit with shorter and followed turn left and climb to the finish. This is still a lowering interrupted briefly and then equally large nastúpaním and already we find ourselves in the area of ​​start and finish.

recording circuit

Štatitické data circuit

  • total distance : 5,08km
  • total distance closed circuit: 5km
  • totally vystúpaných meters: 144m
  • width treated circuit: 4m
  • the highest point of the route: 599m - Korenný top
  • lowest point routes:528m
  • altitude start and finish: 567m
  • the longest continuous climb: 840vystúpané m 44 m average climb 5.2%
  • the hardest climb: 13.5% the section of the boards Korenný
  • A number of ascents type: 4 (long the rod)
  • Number of ascents B: 1 (short)
  • the number of gradients of C: 3 (the steep 9%)

Also here begins long distance trail Baba - Bratislava, which is not machine-groomed.


Post treatment courses is voluntary but all the more welcome.


cross-country circuits 2 km

cross-country circuits 3 km